


代表取締役社長 村井 力






1. 本ポリシーにおいて「個人情報」とは、個人に関する情報であって、当該情報に含まれる氏名、生年月日その他の記述等により特定の個人を識別できるものまたは個人識別符号*1が含まれるものをいいます。収集したお客様に関する情報には、単独のままでは特定の個人を識別できない情報もありますが、他の情報と組み合わせることにより、特定の個人を識別できる場合、かかる情報は組み合わせて扱われる範囲においてすべて「個人情報」として扱われます。


2. ソニーは、個人情報を取り扱う際に、個人情報の保護に関する法律その他個人情報保護に関する諸法令に関し個人情報保護委員会および所管官庁が公表するガイドライン類に定められた義務、ならびに本ポリシーを遵守します。


3. ソニーは、あらかじめご本人の同意を得た場合、または法令により認められた場合を除き、あらかじめ特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内でのみ個人情報を取り扱い、およびそのための措置を講じます。


4. ソニーは、個人情報を取得する際は、あらかじめ取り扱う個人情報の項目、利用目的、お問い合わせ窓口等の必要な情報を明示し、ご本人の同意を得るよう努めます。個人情報に人種・信条等の要配慮個人情報が含まれる場合には、法令により認められた場合を除き、ご本人の同意を得ることなく個人情報を取得しません。第三者から個人情報を取得する場合であって、法令上、第三者提供を受ける際の確認義務および記録作成義務が発生する場合には、これを遵守します。


5. ソニーは、15歳未満のお客様に関する個人情報の収集、保管および使用に適用される法令のすべてを遵守するよう努めます。もし、お子様が保護者または後見人の同意なく個人情報をソニーに提供したことに気付いた場合、保護者または後見人におかれましては、本ポリシーに定める問い合わせ窓口までご連絡ください。


6. ソニーは、個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で正確・完全・最新の内容に保つよう努め、不正なアクセス、漏えい、改ざん、滅失、き損等を防止するため、現時点での技術水準に合わせた必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じ、必要に応じて是正してまいります。


7. ソニーは、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、個人情報の取り扱いを他のソニーグループ会社または第三者に委託する場合があります。その場合、ソニーグループ共通の情報セキュリティポリシーの下、適切な安全管理措置を講じます。また、第三者への業務委託に関しては、個人情報の取り扱いにつき、契約等を通じて、しかるべき安全管理が図られるようにします。外国にある第三者に業務委託を行う場合であって、法令上、記録作成義務が発生する場合には、これを遵守します。


8. ソニーは、法令により認められた場合を除き、ご本人の同意を得ることなく、第三者に個人情報を提供しません。第三者に個人情報を提供する場合であって、法令上、第三者提供を行う際の記録作成義務が発生する場合には、これを遵守します。


9. ソニーは、個人情報の開示、訂正、利用(商品やサービスの紹介等)の停止、消去その他の個人情報の取り扱いに関するお問い合わせに対し、法令の規定に基づき、適切に対応いたします。お客様が個人情報を提供された会社の案内する窓口までご連絡ください。


10. ソニーは、個人情報を適切に取り扱うために、個人情報の管理責任者の設置、内部規程の整備、役員および従業員への教育ならびに適正な内部監査の実施等を通じて、本ポリシーの見直しを含めた社内体制の継続的強化・改善に努めます。

*1:「個人識別符号」は、個人情報保護委員会の政令に準じます。本ポリシー改定日現在の定義は次の通りです︓(1)(イ)DNAを構成する塩基の配列、(ロ)顔の骨格及び皮膚の色並びに目、鼻、口その他の顔の部位の位置及び形状によって定まる容貌、(ハ)虹彩の表面の起伏により形成される線状の模様(二)発声の際の声帯の振動、声門の開閉並びに声道の形状及びその変化、(ホ)歩行の際の姿勢及び両腕の動作、歩幅その他の歩行の態様、(へ)手のひら又は手の甲若しくは指の皮下の静脈の分岐及び端点によって定まるその静脈の形状、(ト)指紋又は掌紋、(2) 旅券の番号、基礎年金番号、運転免許証の番号、住民票コード及び個人番号、並びに (3) 国民健康保険、後期高齢者医療制度及び介護保険の被保険者証にその発行を受ける者ごとに異なるものとなるように記載された文字、番号、記号その他の符号)


Original versions of (1) Sony Group Japan - Common Corporate Privacy Policy, (2) Public Disclosure etc. on Matters relating Personal Information and/or (3) Cookie Policy are/is written in Japanese under the premise that they apply are to individuals residing in Japan. This translation is provided only for the reference and convenience of non-Japanese residing in Japan. In case of discrepancies between Japanese version and this English version, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Privacy Policy

Sony Storage Media Solutions Corporation recognizes personal information of customers as their valuable asset in order to provide them with better products and services. When Sony Storage Media Solutions Corporation stores or uses personal information of customers, it strives to protect the information and meet customers’ expectations based on the following Sony Group Japan - Common Corporate Privacy Policy.

  • Operation Commencement Date: Jun 1, 2017
  • Effective Date: April 1,2022

Sony Storage Media Solutions Corporation
Tsutomu Murai

Sony Group Japan Common Corporate Privacy Policy*3

Each company of the Sony Group (collectively, "Sony") is willing to build an environment in which the personal information of customers is safely stored, used and handled in line with the intention of customers, as well as gaining the trust of customers, and hopes to continue to provide numerous services, under this environment, which inspire and fulfil the curiosity of each customer.

Under this policy, and in accordance with Sony's philosophy of being honest and fair, Sony has prescribed the following policy on the handling of personal information, and is working to ensure the proper handling of personal information relating to its customers that it collects.

*3This Policy encompasses Sony Corporation and its subsidiaries within Japan.

Handling of Personal Information

(Definition of Personal Information)

1. "Personal information" in this Policy refers to information relating to an individual that includes a name, date of birth, or other description, etc., that could be used to identify a specific individual, or that includes a individual identification code*4. All obtained information relating to customers that does not contain information in itself by which a specific individual could be identified, but which could be used to identify a specific individual by collating it with other information, shall be regarded as "personal information" within the scope that it can be handled in combination with other information.

(Compliance with Laws)

2. When handling personal information, Sony shall comply with the obligations set forth in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, various other laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information, guidelines published by the Personal Information Protection Commission and the competent authorities, as well as to this Policy.

(Use within the Scope of Utilization Purpose)

3. Except where the prior consent of the individual has been obtained, or where it is permitted by law, Sony shall handle personal information only within the scope required to achieve the previously specified purpose of use, and shall take measures to achieve this.

(Acquisition of Personal Information)

4. Sony shall endeavour to obtain personal information after expressing in advance the items, purpose of use, and contact point for inquiries, etc., of the personal information to be handled, and after obtaining the consent of the individual. In the event that special care-required personal information such as race and creed, etc., is included in the personal information, except where permitted by law, Sony shall not acquire such personal information without the consent of the individual. When obtaining personal information from a third party, if a legal obligation to check or create records arises when receiving provision from a third party, Sony shall comply with this.

(Personal Information of Customers Under the Age of 15)

5. Sony shall endeavour to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the collection, storage, and use of personal information relating to customers under the age of 15. In the event of a child having provided personal information to Sony without the consent of their parent or guardian, we ask that a parent or guardian contacts us at the address specified in this Policy.

(Security Control Action)

6. Sony shall endeavour to keep the content of personal information accurate, complete, and up to date within the scope of the purpose of use, shall take the necessary and appropriate secure management measures in accordance with technological standards at that point in time in order to prevent unauthorised access, leakage, tampering, loss, or damage, etc., and shall make corrections as necessary.

(Supervision Over a Trustee)

7. Sony, within the scope required for the achievement of the purpose of use, may entrust the handling of personal information to another Sony Group company or a third party. In such a case, the appropriate secure management measures shall be taken under the Sony Group common information security policy. In addition, with regard to the contracting of business to a third party, efforts shall be made to ensure that secure management is performed as strictly as possible in relation to the handling of personal information, such as through the execution of a contract. If a third party in a foreign country is contracted to perform business, and a legal obligation to create records arises, Sony shall comply with this.

(Third Party Provision)

8. Except where permitted by law, Sony shall not provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the consent of the individual. If personal information is provided to a third party, and a legal obligation to create records arises at the time of such third party provision, Sony shall comply with this.

(Respond to a Demand etc. for Disclosure etc.)

9. Sony shall respond appropriately to requests for the disclosure, amendment, ceasing of use (for introducing products and services, etc.), and deletion of personal information, as well as other comments and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, based on the provisions of laws and regulations. Please contact the address of the company to which you provided information for assistance.

(Strengthening of Systems, Training, Etc.)

10. To ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, Sony shall endeavour to continually strengthen and improve internal systems, including reviewing this Policy, by appointing a manager for personal information, establishing internal regulations, training officers and employees, and implementing the appropriate internal audits, etc.

*4Individual Identification Code

The definition of the Individual Identification Code is based on the Amendment to the Cabinet Order to Enforce the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and, as of amendment date of this privacy policy, including the following: (i) Those character, letter, number, symbol or other codes produced by having converted any of the following bodily features thereinto so as to be provided for use in computers which conform to standards prescribed by rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission as sufficient to identify a specific individual.

  • (a) base sequence constituting Deoxyribonucleic Acid (alias DNA) taken from a cell;
  • (b) appearance decided by facial bone structure and skin color as well as the position and shape of eyes, nose, mouth or other facial elements;
  • (c) a linear pattern formed by an iris' surface undulation;
  • (d) vocal cords' vibration, glottis' closing motion as well as the shape of vocal tract and its change when uttering;
  • (e) bodily posture and both arms' movements, step size and other physical appearance when walking;
  • (f) Intravenous shape decided by the junctions and endpoints of veins lying under the skin of the inner or outer surface of hands or fingers;
  • (g) a finger or palm print.
  • (ii) Number of passport set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Passport Act (Act No. 267 of 1951)
  • (iii) Basic pension number set forth in Article 14 of the National Pension Act (Act No. 141 of 1959)
  • (iv) Number of a driver's license set forth in Article 93, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Road Traffic Act (Act No. 105 of 1960)
  • (v) Resident record code set forth in Article 7, item (xiii) of the Basic Resident Registration Act (Act No. 81 of 1967)
  • (vi) Individual number set forth in Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure (Act No. 27 of 2013)
  • (vii) Those character, letter, number, symbol or other codes prescribed by rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission which are stated on a certificate set forth in the following in a way to give each person who receives its issuance a different one.
  • (a) A health insurance card under Article 9, paragraph (2) of the National Health Insurance Act (Act No. 192 of 1958);
  • (b) An insured person's certificate under Article 54, paragraph (3) of the Act on Assurance of Medical Care for Elderly People (Act No. 80 of 1982)
  • (c) An insured person's certificate under Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act (Act No. 123 of 1997)
  • (viii) Any other character, letter, number, symbol or other codes prescribed by rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission as equivalent to each preceding item.